Item List

Murphy Temp Guage
The Mechanical 130-250F Temperature Murphygage 2 in. w/ 8 Ft Capillary and Polycarbonate Case A20TG-250-8-1/2 by Murphy is diaphragm-actuated, temperature-indicating gage without contacts/switch. This rugged, built-to-last instrument is fully sealed from the environment by the unique combination of a polycarbonate case and lens, a polished stainless steel bezel and O-ring seals. This vapor actuated gauge features a sealed capillary tube and a sensing bulb. When subjected to heat, the liquid in the sensing bulb changes to vapor creating pressure against a diaphragm mechanism. The diaphragm translates this vapor pressure into a mechanical gage reading.

Murphy Pressure Guage
The Murphy Swichgage 0-50 PSI Mechanical Pressure Gauge 2" with High/Low Contacts and Knob Adjusting Face Contact A20P-HLK-50 is a diaphragm-actuated, pressure-indicating gage with a built-in electrical switch for tripping alarms and/or shutdown devices. The gage pointer acts as a pressure indicator and as one switch pole which completes a circuit when it touches the adjustable limit contact. Contacts have self-cleaning motion to ensure electrical continuity.

Murphy Ampere Gauges
The 2" dial 60-0-60 Ammeter is a +/-60 ampere measuring instrument that is used to measure the flow of electric current in a circuit. The left gauge terminal connects to the battery terminal of the alternator, the right gauge terminal connects to the battery terminal on the starter solenoid.

Algas SDI LP gas vaporizer
Tired of tank “freeze-ups” and production losses? Looking for a simple, economical, and easy to install solution? Lacking electricity or needing a portable LPG vaporization option? Look no further than Algas-SDI’s Direct Fired line of vaporizers for a safe and simple solution to your vaporization needs.
As its name implies, a Direct Fired vaporizer uses direct flame to vaporize liquid LPG inside a heat exchanger. Requiring no electricity, the Direct Fired vaporizer utilizes LPG itself as its source of energy and provides a constant supply of LPG, regardless of the LPG composition. Its durable and safe design make it perfect for any number of agricultural and industrial applications, including animal confinement, crop drying, construction heating, manufacturing processes and many more

Oriface plates
The orifice plate can be made of any material, although stainless steel is the most common. The thickness of the plate used (1/8 – 1/2") is a function of the line size, the process temperature, the pressure, and the differential pressure. The traditional orifice is a thin circular plate (with a tab for handling and for data), inserted into the pipeline between the two flanges of an orifice union. This method of installation is cost-effective, but it calls for a process shutdown whenever the plate is removed for maintenance or inspection. In contrast, an orifice fitting allows the orifice to be removed from the process without depressurizing the line and shutting down flow. In such fittings, the universal orifice plate, a circular plate with no tab, is used. Multiple sizes available.